Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Never have I ever....

...Never have I ever until this tour:

*Rode a scooter
*Roller skated (only ever roller blades)
*Drank a coffee, Red Bull, another coffee, a diet coke, eaten a Kazoozle and another diet coke all in the course of 4 hours before
*Played a ukulele
*Said the word "awesome" 50 times in one conversation
*Seen the movie "Top Gun"
*Worn 5 band t-shirts in 5 days
*Owned a pair of red sunglasses
*Been to the state of Missouri
*Been to Milwaukee
*Gone skateboarding in a swimming pool (that didn't have water)
*Lived through 4 days without complaining at all about not having a shower
*Not done laundry in 17 days
*Thought so many boys in one place were the sweetest/cutest thing ever!
*Made so many friends that have changed my life in such a short period of time

Gosh, what an experience. Sad, last day of tour is tomorrow.

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